Place born
Organisation / Person

Sempill, William Francis Forbes

1893 - 1965

The Machinery Trust Limited

1893 - 1903

Chadwick, Roy

1893 - 1947

1894-1989, Matsushita companies and Panasonic brand name founder, Osaka, Japan, Japanese

Matsushita, Konosuke

1894 - 1989

1893-1950, mathematical tabulator, computer scientist, New Zealand; British

Comrie, Dr. Leslie John

1893 - 1950

1894-1960, poster printer; printer; lithographer, London

The Baynard Press

1894 - 1960

1893-1938, artist; medallist, German

Glöckler, Oskar

1893 - 1938

1893-1979, painter; poster artist, British

Hitchens, Ivon

1893 - 1979

1894-1985, photographer, Hungarian-born; American

Kertész, André

1894 - 1985

1804-1867, mathematician; scientific instrument maker, Swiss

Secretan, Marc Francois Louis

1894 - 1867

1894-1973, anaesthetist; physician, British

Jarman, Ronald

1894 - 1973

1893-1987, railway photographer, British

Wethersett, Ernest Richard

1893 - 1987

1894-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Port Talbot Railway & Docks

1894 - 1922

1893-1973, physician, surgeon, British

Price Thomas, Sir Clement

1893 - 1973

1893-1989, artist; poster artist; illustrator; author; television producer, British

Lingstrom, Freda

1893 - 1989

1893-1980, astronomer, Canadian; British

Plaskett, Harry Hemley

1893 - 1980

1894-1973, aviator, British; English

Cobham, Sir Alan John

1894 - 1973

1893-1956, camera manufacturer, British

Newman and Guardia Limited

1893 - 1956

1893-1934, funicular railway, Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Clifton Rocks Railway

1893 - 1934

1883-1899, camera manufacturer, Rochester

Rochester Optical Company

1894 - 1903

1893-1963, film maker and camera manufacturer, French


1893 - 1963

1894-1928, railway company, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Clogher Valley Railway

1894 - 1928

1893-1956, physical chemist and physicist, Oxford, England & Berlin, Germany

Simon, Sir Franz Eugen

1893 - 1956

1893-1921, railway company, Lagos,

Lagos Railway

1893 - 1921

1893-1980, electrical engineer; businessman, British

Ferranti, Sir (Gerard) Vincent Sebastian de

1893 - 1980

1893-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Lee-on-the-Solent Light Railway

1893 - 1922

1893-1910, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Charing Cross, Euston & Hampstead Railway

1893 - 1910

1893-1965, engineer; aviator, British

Sempill, Baron Sempill, William Francis Forbes-

1893 - 1965

1894-1969, inventor; photographer; aviation pioneer, Australian

Cotton, Sidney

1894 - 1969

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

Cobham, Alan John

1894 - 1973

Parr, George

1894 - 1975

Wiener, Norbert

1894 - 1964

Petree, James Foster

1893 - 1970

Raynham, Frederick Phillips

1893 - 1954

Halford, Frank Bernard

1894 - 1955

1894-c.1950s, scientific instrument and radio manufacturers, Croydon, England

Gambrell Brothers Ltd.

1894 - 1959

1894-1964, camera manufacturers, Belgium


1894 - 1964

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1803-1882, engraver, British

Sands, James

1893 - 1882

1894-1973, physican and inventor of the Heaf test, British

Heaf, Frederick Rowland George

1894 - 1973

b. 1893, artist; illustrator; painter, poster artist, British

Denham, Henry James


1898-1905, railway company, Lambourn, England

Lambourn Valley Railway

1893 - 1903

1894-1936, manufacturer of ceramics, Hanley, England

Pearl Pottery Company

1894 - 1936

1893-1965, manufacturer of furniture; aircraft designer; aircraft maker, French

Mignet, Henri

1893 - 1965

1893-1975, photographer, British

Madame Yevonde

1893 - 1975

1893-1960, photographer and photojournalist, German

Hutton, Kurt

1893 - 1960

1893-1903, camera company, London

European Blair Camera Co.

1893 - 1903

1893-1956, overhead railway company, Liverpool

Liverpool Overhead Railway Company

1893 - 1956

1893-1930, manufacturer of electrostatic and electrotherapueutic machines, Chicago, United States

Victor X-ray Corporation

1893 - 1930